Doing things with data during the COVID-19 shutdown

Austria is pretty much in shutdown since midnight: in order to minimize the further spread of COVID-19, the governmenat has put severe measures in place that make us all mostly sit at home this coming week(s?).

While staying home and looking after the kids, on the side, I’ll try to revive this blog a bit: as a small contribution to fight fake news that start to pop up all around quickly regarding the situation, I’d like to use this as a call for data-driven ideas to fight, analyse and bettter understand/communicate what is actually going on.

So, well, also our data science students have to stay home now, and still should continue to study and learn in distance learning mode. Life goes on as normal as possible under the circumstances, so we’ll try to do this in an instructive manner: as a first bit, I thought I’d publish a small walk-though to analyze and compare the developments in different countries, in the form of a Python notebook.

If anybody has interesting and potentially useful suggestions for different data sources to add in and merge, leave a comment!



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