Boosting #AI in Research and Teaching at Vienna University of Economics and Business

There’s a lot moving in Austria and especially at WU Vienna recently in terms of boosting Artificial Intelligence and we will shortly announce a wide range of job opportunities… if you’re interested, read on!

A bit of history

We’ve been working hard to make this all possible, step by step, and now finally things are falling into place: back in 2019 WU already contributed to a position paper by the Austrian University Conference (UNIKO) that already emphasized the need for measures to invest in research and create a broader network, both in terms of academic positions and infrastructure. 

Just last year, ASAI, the Austrian society for AI (with board members Prof. Marta Sabou and Prof. Axel Polleres from WU) re-emphasized the need for Austria to invest in education and research on a larger scale, in order to keep up with recent developments in its “State-of-AI-Report Austria” . The recently funded FWF Cluster of Excellence on Bilateral AI now finally gives us the opportunity to boost AI in research and teaching. This is an important first step in the implementation of Austria’s AI Strategy and the accompanying forthcoming Data Strategy (which we recently supported in a study and online consultation

In particular, here at WU Vienna, we are highly interested in bridging between fundamental, basic research, novel applications, as well as research on the societal and economic impact of AI. In WU’s Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, we have a long-standing record of AI research, together with cross-departamental initiatives such as WU’s Research Institute for Computational Methods (FIRM), or the recently founded WU Applied AI Network, or building up dedicated teaching programs over the past years, such as undergraduate specialisations in Knowledge Management and Data Science, or Master Programs such as Digital Economy (where students can further specialise in Data Science and AI). 

The recently funded FWF Cluster of Excellence on Bilateral AI, with key researchers Prof. Sabrina Kirrane and Prof. Axel Polleres in our department as well as Prof. Kurt Hornik (Head of FIRM/Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistice) and Prof. Nils Wlömert (Department for Marketing), now finally gives us a major opportunity to boost AI in research and teaching at WU at various levels!

A variety of opportunities:

 We believe this is the right time to join our team in bringing Artificial Intelligence Research in Austria to the next level together. In our department at WU, we are determined to push towards being at the forefront of excellence in AI research and applications 

  • PhD positions & Postdoc positions: Within the Cluster of Excellence, WU will soon open Postdoc & PhD positions,to work in an exciting project together in a network with other top universities and research groups in Austria, including JKU Linz, TU Vienna, TU Graz, ISTA, and AAU Klagenfurt.
  • Senior Lecturer position: in order to boost also our undergraduate and graduate eduction in new and fundamental technologies around AI and Digitalisation, our department will hire a senior lecturer to support us in reshaping WU’s education in a future-proof manner!
  • Full Professorship in “Information Systems and Applied AI”: the department of Information Systems and Operations Management opens a new professorship on Information Systems and Applied AI, with hearings taking place this coming fall! Find the call here:
  • Competitive Grants to build up new research groups: we are keen on even further strengthening our intersdisciplinary team in a broad manner, through competitive programs such as ERCFWF’s Start grant or WWTF’s VRG program. If you have a forward-looking, high impact idea and want to build up your research group on AI-related topics with us at WU, get in touch!

While concrete announcement for the specific above-mentioned positions and programs will be out in the next days or weeks (watch this space!), we encourage to get in touch directly, if you’re interested: send us your CV and a short letter of interest in which level/position of the described positions you’d be interested to learn more about:


Subject: [Boosting AI at WU Vienna]

and we’ll keep you updated!

If you want to learn more about our department, institute(s), networks we are involved in and our current research, find more information here:

  1. – Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, incl. the following institutes:
  2. – Research Institute for Computational Methods
  3. – WU Applied AI Network
  4. – Austrian Society of Artificial Intelligence

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